Art Director - Midnight Design
Design - I Chan Su
Display - Tata Tsai
Photography - Lo Chi Hsiang
Print - 九水印刷
Typeface - 文鼎字型
Paper - 恆成紙業、聯美紙業、長瑩紙業、貝爾敦紙業
Client - 發現故事
煮糖 CHUTANG 是發現故事團隊耗時研發的風味糖露品牌,它將漢藥房中具獨特風味的香料,透過轉化「本草」的形式導入日常生活中的調味佐料,建立嶄新的味蕾饗宴。糖露扮演著佐料的重要角色,當它灑落在佳餚上的瞬間能融合出多元的美味,因此以「交集」為主題作為概念核心,設計了三款主視覺「衝擊」、「漣漪」及「日落」,分別對應著不同口味本身的特色。視覺佈局使用拼接的手法劃分三塊資訊區域後並透過網格系統重新放置在適當的位置,並運用高飽和度的色彩搭配呈現,突破以往相同競品的既定印象,將視覺體驗引導至更高層級的氛圍。
CHUTANG is a brand of flavored syrup developed by the City Explorer team. It takes the unique flavor of spices from Chinese herbal medicine and introduces them into everyday condiments in the form of 'herbs', creating a new feast for the taste buds. Syrup plays an important role as a condiment, and the moment it is sprinkled on a dish, it can bring together a variety of flavors. Therefore, using the theme of 'Intersect' as the core of the concept, three main visuals 'Impact', 'Ripple' and 'Sunset' have been designed to correspond to the characteristics of the different flavors themselves. The visual layout is divided into three information areas using a grid system and repositioned in the right place. The use of high saturated colors to present the visuals breaks away from the established impression of the same competing products and leads the visual experience to a higher level of atmosphere.