Club Designer Flagship Store
Art Director - Midnight Design
Design - I Chan Su
Photography - Amano Kawa
Print - 煒揚印刷企業有限公司
Client - Club Designer
以台灣時尚推手自詡的 CLUB DESIGNER,創立32年來迄今仍不斷從全世界蒐羅、引進國際同步的設計師精品,帶給台灣消費者與時尚之都接軌的流行資訊及頂級時尚逸品。CLUB DESIGNER 為能提供更精緻完善的服務,重新規劃了具質感、簡潔與時尚的五層樓旗艦店,讓台北擁有了指標性的風格時尚名店。CLUB DESIGNER 品牌形象將旗艦店本身的建築空間特色圖像化並融合其中,轉換成不同的經典印花並透過切割重新組合,並以純粹的黑白雙色導入,表現簡約的時尚經典。
As the leading select shop in fashion industry since 1981, CLUB DESIGNER provides the latest fashion designs and selected boutique from all over the world. Popular with fashion lovers in Taiwan, CLUB DESIGNER keeps bringing the most up-to-date fashion trends and high quality luxury products from fashion capitals of the world for 32 years. In order to offer better services, the flagship store was launched in 2014, which divided in to five levels and each is meant to attract clients to different ages and social levels. The opening of the CLUB DESIGNER flagship store provides a new, sophisticated and modern shopping environment to all the fashion enthusiasts in Taiwan. The keyvisual of CLUB DESIGNER integrates the architectural characteristics of the flagship store into visual, transforms them into different classic patterns and recombines them after the dissection. Pure black and white are adopted for the brand core value of minimal fashion styles.