Club Designer Window Display
of Breeze Nan Shan
Art Director - Midnight Design
Design - I Chan Su、Yi Gu
Client - Club Designer
時尚推手 Club Designer 於微風南山設立快閃店,其視覺牆以 Club Designer 的經典鑰匙孔標誌延伸,透過不同的點線面及幾何圖形組合,發展出多樣的經典印花,並透過不同手法將標誌融合其中,表現簡約時尚並具有張力的視覺饗宴。
Club Designer has set up a pop-up store in Breeze Nan Shan. Its visual wall is filled with the classic logo of Club Designer yet in a variety of designs. Through different combinations of point and line to plane along with geometric shapes, various and vivacious patterns are developed. The logos are integrated into the design via different techniques to create a minimal, stylish and prevailing visual festival.