Art Director - Midnight Design
Design - I Chan Su、Yi Gu
Photography - Amano Kawa
Client - FILTER
濾鏡是照片常常會使用到的一種效果,是光線和物件之間的媒介,也可以描繪使用者當下的心情。對 FILTER 來說,選物也是如此。FILTER 品牌創立之初,即致力找尋選物的價值,傳遞給駐足的你。標誌設計概念上選擇了三稜鏡的三角形外型為架構。光透過三稜鏡表面會折射成多色彩的光束,如同 Filter 的品牌思維一樣,人們也可以透過 Filter 有著全然不同的面貌。並將首字母 F 以多種不同的模樣組合於三角形當中,標誌透過不同角度將會有多樣性的半立體字母呈現。為了能更詮釋品牌思維,在印刷加工上選擇了燙印雷射箔的方式,隨光線折射有著不同的色彩,多樣性的變化亦然成為了品牌獨特的吸引力。會員卡方面選用了2mm透明壓克力材質製作,以UV印刷技術印製出半透明的漸層色,標誌與資訊則以白墨覆蓋至表面最上層。將濾鏡的效果實現於生活當中,透過不同顏色的卡片呈現多樣的疊合效果。
Different filters are commonly picked to change the looks of a picture and to portray the user’s feelings at that moment. Selecting store items for FILTER is the same. We adopt the triangular prism shape as the main shape of the logo. The light is dispersed through the dispersive prism into spectral components. Likewise, the brand concept of Filter is to enable the audience to believe that customers can customize their own looks through Filter. However, the letter F seen in the logo, is adopted with various forms in a triangular pattern. Therefore, the audience is able to see the three-dimensional letter from different angles. To portray Filter's brand concept, we select hot stamping and laser foils techniques for printing. The reflection of a variety of lights perfectly presents the unique diversity of fashion trends from Filter. As for the design of the membership card, we select 2mm transparent acrylic material for production and print with UV translucent gradient colour. The logo and information are printed with white ink on the uppermost layer. The variety of colours for the membership cards are inspired by the filter effects of photo editing applications.