Art Director - Midnight Design
Design - I Chan Su、Yi Gu、Ping Cheng Lee、Hsuan Yu Hsu
Photography - Mo Chien
Typeface - 文鼎字型
Print - 九水印刷
Paper - 長瑩紙業
Client - PACKIE
座落於台北信義區的 Packie 川酒菜館,將道地的四川料理搭配特色調酒,讓味覺有中西融合的驚喜。Packie一詞在西方意旨「酒行」,歷史上許多著名的文豪詩人皆樂醉於美酒之下,因此為詮釋中西融合的品牌核心,設計上將西方的品酒文化巧妙結合至東方的水墨畫藝術,並應用至商標與主視覺。商標設計重現了詩仙李白於「月下獨酌」中的「舉杯邀明月」一詞,李白頭戴紳士帽、手拿紳士手杖與西式酒杯,衝突的模樣演繹了 Packie 中西融合的品牌精神。同樣主視覺皆以東方水墨畫的形式繪製,其中融入許多西方品酒文化的元素,表現文豪詩人飲酒作樂的美景,猶如 Packie 川酒菜館內的愉悅氣氛。
Packie Sichuan restaurant, located in Xinyi District, Taipei, combines authentic Sichuan cuisine with special cocktails to surprise the palate.The word Packie refers to “a place to buy liquor” in the western culture, and many famous writers and poets in history have enjoyed drinking wine. Therefore, in order to interpret the core of the brand integrating Chinese and Western culture, the design skillfully combines the Western wine tasting culture with the Oriental ink painting art, and applies it to trademarks and Key Visual. The trademark design recreates the verse “raising a glass to invite the bright moon” in the poem “Drinking Alone Under the Moon”. The image of Li Bai wearing a gentleman’s cap, carrying a gentleman’s cane and a western-style wine glass reflects Packie’s brand spirit of the integration of Chinese and Western culture. Similarly, the Key Visual is drawn in the form of Oriental ink painting,which incorporates many elements of western wine tasting culture, showing the beauty of wine drinking by great writers and poets, just like the pleasant atmosphere of Packie Sichuan restaurant.