Taipei Metro Year of the Monkey Commemorative Tickets
Art Director - Kuocheng Liao
Design - Kuocheng Liao、I Chan Su、Yi Gu
Illustration - Kuocheng Liao
Photography - 李阮修
Print - 煒揚印刷企業有限公司
Client - 臺北大眾捷運股份有限公司 Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation
臺北捷運為呼應台北捷運 20 週年,推出猴年生肖紀念套票,主題以 20 個台北城市意象作為舞台,城市間加入 20 隻台灣獼猴在其中嬉戲尋找壽桃,替年節增添一些童趣遊樂的氣氛,主視覺設計上使用精簡的線條來呈現台北 20 個知名景點,搭配高飽和色彩傳遞年節的熱鬧氛圍。包裝設計概念引用國人過年吃糖討吉利的傳統,使用透明塑膠材質來模擬糖果包裝,正面則延續獼猴在城市裡尋找壽桃的故事,並以金色特別色印製使其更富有年味與精緻感。內容物放置了不同長寬尺寸的海報、春聯與紅包,使它們一起在包裝內時有視覺層次感外,內容物相互相襯出更鮮豔繽紛的熱鬧感,如同國人新年佳節的歡樂氛圍。
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Taipei Metro system, this One-day Pass Ticket design features 20 unique city images, in which 20 Taiwan macaque monkeys are looking for celestial peaches. In Taiwanese culture peach represents longevity and 2016 is the Year of the Monkey according to Chinese zodiac. 20 Taipei city spots, depicted in a semi-abstract style with minimal forms and vivid colors, reflect the lively and bustling atmosphere of Chinese New Year. The package design references the tradition of Chinese New Year, which eating candies are said to bring good luck and fortune. As the front side of the packaging continues to tell the story of macaque monkeys looking for celestial peaches; the image is printed in metallic gold that is considered the luckiest color for New year, echoing the festival tone and adding the fine details. The contents include various sizes of posters, New Year couplets, and red envelopes. The multi-layered package design not only brings visual joy, but its vivid color palette also evokes an energetic bright mood, to visualize the great happiness of embracing Chinese New Year.